The buckwheat chip specialist!Chipsier Breton since 2015 in Retiers near Rennes.
Factory store open Monday to Friday 9am / 4pm.
Natural products and traditional know-how

Buckwheat flour
No gluten, anti-cholesterol, anti-diabetes, detox, slimming and antioxidant food, buckwheat is also the “health food” par excellence.
(magazine flavors)

Traditional recipe
We make our buckwheat crisps in accordance with traditional recipes.

The manufacture of our chips is carried out by our team in the respect of our artisanal know-how.
The story of a crispy chip
The adventure begins in 2015
Mikael Cannier creator of the company and professional cook (10 years).
I created the Crousty’Breizh (buckwheat crisps) by noticing that there were few salty biscuits with a real Breton identity for the aperitif!!!
I worked on the recipe in my kitchen for almost a year before going to market in 2015. I started from scratch!
Following the success of sales in the markets, I started door-to-door (delicatessens, wine shops, cheese shops, greengrocers, etc.) with my traveling companion, my van filled with boxes of crisps!
Today, we are a team of 8 people, we make more than 2 tons of chips per week in an artisanal way in our workshops located in Retiers near Rennes.
A beautiful crispy adventure!!!
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Buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, is a species of annual flowering plants of the Polygonaceae family, cultivated for its seeds intended for human and animal consumption.
Despite its common name of buckwheat, buckwheat is not a species of the genus Triticum (a genus grouping together varieties of wheat), nor even a species of grasses. It is gluten-free, which makes it difficult to use pure in breadmaking (black bread) or for making pasta. Buckwheat is considered a cereal, sometimes it is called a pseudo-cereal4.
It is known by various common names: buckwheat, buckwheat knotweed, buckwheat, barbarism wheat, bucail or bucaille, carabin, but also black wheat in certain sources of the 16th century. (Wikipedia)
Some numbers
A team

at the workshop
From Monday to Friday
9 a.m.: 12 p.m. / 2:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
5 Rue Gustave Eiffel Z.I DE FROMY, 35240 Retiers
Telephone: 02 23 08 00 19
Email: contact@croustybreizh35.fr